> I am not clear what the question is here.
> Sometimes your dictionary files are
> valid and sometimes they are invalid.
> Only by looking at the dictionary
> files themselves can more be said.
> The main point is that the dictionary
> structure is rather strict and does
> not really permit much variation
> from the patterns specified.
> Nick
> [email protected]
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of
>> [email protected]
>> Sent: 23 June 2005 16:46
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: st: Stata dictionary file
>> Dear listusers,
>> I am using Stata 8. I am trying to to read the raw data files into the
>> Stata format. The extration files include the .dct and .do file
>> seperately. I have changed all the correspondent file directories. I
>> deleted some contents in both the .dct and .do files.
>> However, an error messag, e"dictionary invalid", kept
>> bothering me. This
>> error message occured sometimes, and sometiems not.
>> I orginally thought maybe making changes on the .dct file has
>> changed the
>> file format. But not sure about this. I cannot identify the
>> reasons.
>> Can anybody give me a clue?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Ying
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Ying Wang
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Public Policy
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle,
Baltimore, MD 21228
Tel(O): 410-455-6531
Tel(H): 410-747-6980
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Email: [email protected]
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