This sounds like MS Windows. It is best
to specify which operating system you
are using when detailing such commands.
[email protected]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Philipp Rehm
> Sent: 23 June 2005 00:17
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Pasting several lines into 'stata command'
> Recently, there was a message making statalist users aware that it is
> possible to pastd several lines into stata's command window
> (
> However, this didn't seem to work for me (stata 8.2). Here is the -
> undocumented - way how it works: instead of copy-pasting with ctrl+c
> (ctrl+v), you need to copy-paste with ctrl+insert (shift+insert).
> As was noted before, one can also directly type multiple
> lines into the
> command window, by ending each line with ctrl+enter (but it
> is not clear
> why you would like to do that).
> This greatly facilitates working with an external text-editor. You
> simply write your do-file in whatever program you like, copy the
> relevant section (with ctrl+insert), and paste it into the command
> window (shift+insert).
> Philipp
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