Thanks to Kit Baum, a new program called -intcens- is available on SSC
for interval-censored survival analysis.
Type -ssc describe intcens- in Stata to find it. It's written for
version 8.
This program fits various distributions by maximum likelihood to
non-negative data which can be left-, right- or interval-censored or
point data. The supported distributions are exponential, Weibull,
Gompertz, log-logistic, log-normal, 2 and 3 parameter gamma, inverse
Gaussian (which is the time to reach a certain distance from the origin
for a Weiner process) and an extension of the inverse Gaussian which is
the time to reach a certain point for a Weiner process with random
The last one is described in: Aalen O.O. & Gjessing H.K. (2001)
Understanding the shape of the hazard rate: A process point of view.
Statistical Science, 16, 1.
The program doesn't use -st- settings but needs two variables to
specify the left and right hand ends of the interval, as in the official
Stata program -intreg-.
Pleae report any problems to me.
Jamie Griffin
[email protected]
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