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Re: st: RE: -clemao_io- broken in Stata 9?

From   "Michael S. Hanson" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: -clemao_io- broken in Stata 9?
Date   Thu, 16 Jun 2005 16:29:57 -0400


On Jun 16, 2005, at 3:52 PM, Nick Cox wrote:

You could

log using <whatever>
set trace on
log close

and send a log to the author.
Otherwise there is no
information on what you're typing
or where Stata stops.
Thanks for the suggestions, Nick. After using -trace- and consulting the User's Guide, I think I have identified the source of the error. Attempting any of the sample programs in -whelp clemao1-, such as below:

webuse wpi1
clemao1 wpi

Yields the previously described "syntax error" for me. The error occurs at the following command:

local lev : set level

which, I have confirmed does return the system settings for the level on Stata 8.2, but a "syntax error" on Stata 9. (I presume this is not platform-specific, but I don't know for sure; I only am able to test on OS X.) After scouring [U], it appears the following command will work in its place:

local lev : disp c(level)

Indeed, after making a local copy of clemao.ado and making the above edits, I get the same results in Stata 8.2 and Stata 9. Is this the preferred command syntax?

The only outstanding question is whether this is a documented change in the behavior of Stata 9, or a "bug". I quickly searched the "What's New" file for changes to -set level- and didn't find anything, although I may have missed them.

Finally, since the author is Kit Baum, I suspect he'll see this message shortly and so I will hold off on contacting him directly for now. Thanks again for your assistance, Nick.

-- Mike

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