Thanks to Kit Baum, a program -lxpct_2- is now available from SSC. This
program calculates multistate life expectancies from a dataset of age-
specific transition probabilities. Applications of the method range
from the calculation of healthy life expenctancy to the study of
childhood exposure to poverty.
I am in the process of correcting the help file which lost formating in
the conversion of file types, but a properly formated help file and a
link to more detailed examples can be found at the following page:
The examples are described in reference to an earlier version of the
program; however, they remain applicable to -lexpct_2- (with the minor
changes to the input syntax that are noted in the help file).
This is my first program post to the list, so please do contact me with
any questions or suggestions.
-Maggie Weden
Margaret M. Weden
Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholar
Department of Population Health Sciences
University of Wisconsin- Madison
1007 WARF Office Building
610 N. Walnut St.
Madison, WI 53726
[email protected]
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