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st: one-way tables with survey data

From   "Steven A. Harvey" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: one-way tables with survey data
Date   Mon, 13 Jun 2005 18:46:09 -0400

posting it again. I offer my profuse apologies if somehow it gets posted 3 times--this was not my intention.

I am working with a survey dataset and need to produce frequency distributions for a number of dichotomous variables. I have defined the dataset as survey data using the standard commands (Intercooled Stata v. 8.2):

svyset [pweight=pesomef]

The svytab command seems only to work with 2-way tables and the regular tab (tabulate, table, etc.) command produces the same result whether or not I define the data as survey data. I've read through the svytab command documentation several times as well as the documentation for table/tabulate commands and on Stata weights. Surely I'm missing something, but I can't figure out what.

Could someone please help me with the appropriate syntax to produce a weighted one-way table for these variables?

Thanks in advance,


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