Thanks to Kit Baum, there is now a new version of the -dolog- package
available for download from SSC. This can be done using the -ssc- command.
The -dolog- package is described as below on my website. The new version is
in Stata 9. Therefore, if Stata 9 users run do-files using -dolog- without
a -version- command, then the new -dolog- will protect them from their own
stupidity by running the do-files under version 9. The old Stata 8, 7 and 6
versions can still be downloaded from my website by typing
net from
and then selecting the preferred Stata version and downloading the
preferred -dolog- version.
Best wishes
package dolog from
dolog: Execute commands from a file, creating a log file
dolog (like do) causes Stata to execute the commands stored in filename
just as if they were entered from the keyboard, and echos the
commands as it
executes them, creating a log file filename.log. If filename is
without an extension, is assumed. If filename is
specified with
an extension, then the log file will have .log as an additional
(so dolog will not overwrite the original do-file). Arguments are
(as with do), but the nostop option is not available.
Author: Roger Newson
Distribution-Date: 13june2005
Stata-Version: 9
INSTALLATION FILES (click here to install)
(click here to return to the previous screen)
Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
Division of Asthma, Allergy and Lung Biology
King's College London
5th Floor, Capital House
42 Weston Street
London SE1 3QD
United Kingdom
Tel: 020 7848 6648 International +44 20 7848 6648
Fax: 020 7848 6620 International +44 20 7848 6620
or 020 7848 6605 International +44 20 7848 6605
Email: [email protected]
Opinions expressed are those of the author, not the institution.