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st: Tests for trends in RCT subgroups (-metan-, -meta-, other?)

From   Matthew Sydes <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Tests for trends in RCT subgroups (-metan-, -meta-, other?)
Date   Fri, 10 Jun 2005 15:45:25 +0100

[Using Stata 8; impending upgrade to Stata 9]

Good afternoon, 

> I am interested in performing tests of trend in ordered subgroups from a
> single randomised controlled trial.  It is possible to use meta-analysis
> commands for this purpose, pretending that each subgroup is a separate
> trial.  I have investigated the -meta- and -metan- commands.  However,
> their tests for heterogeneity only seem to deal in global tests rather
> than tests for trends.
Like numbers-at-risk on KM plots, subgroup trend tests are an issue I often
wrangle with and find that I can solve only outside of Stata (albeit
somewhat unsatisfactorily and unloggable fashion).

Any help on how I may address this matter within Stata would be much

> Kind regards,
> Matt
> ================================
> Matthew Sydes
> Senior Medical Statistician
> T: 020 7670 4798 (direct)
> T: 020 7670 4700 (switchboard)
> F: 020 7670 4814/5
> E: [email protected]
> W:
> Cancer Group
> MRC Clinical Trials Unit
> 222 Euston Rd
> London 
> NW1 2DA
> UK
> ================================
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