Another possibility is to use the -parmest- package, downloadable from SSC.
The -parmest- package produces an output dataset (or resultsset) with 1
observation per parameter (or 1 observation per parameter per by-group
using the -parmby- program) and data on parameter names, estimates,
confidence limits, P-values and other parameter attributes. This resultsset
can be saved to disk, written to memory (overwriting the original data), or
simply listed to the Stata log. The on-line help contains references to 2
downloadable papers on the use of -parmest- with other packages to produce
plots and tables of estimates and confidence limits..
I hope this helps.
Best wishes
At 11:00 09/06/2005, Antione wrote:
le 09/06/2005 11:39, David Fisher a ecrit :
Is there a command in Stata that will store the coefficients (a and b)
from a linear regression in new, separate variables? I've looked at
"predict" and similar, but I can only find how to extract residuals and
fitted values.
David Fisher
Stata stores estimated coefficients in a vector named e(b)
you can then use -svmat- to store its elements as new variables :
. reg pric mpg weight
. mat beta=e(b)
. svmat double beta, names(matcol)
will store estimated coefficients as new (double precision) variables
named after the X variables.
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Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
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