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st: Keeping observations

From   Patricia Vera Rojas <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Keeping observations
Date   Thu, 9 Jun 2005 05:40:14 +0200 (CEST)

Hello all,

I have :

id    employ
1       2
2       1
3       2
3       2
4       2
4       1
5       1
5       2
6       1
6       1

where id= subject identification and employ=1 if the person is employed and employ=2 if the person
is unemployed.
I want to keep in the data those subjects whose are unemployed in the first observation (employ=2)
without losing their second observation if they are observed more than once, that is:

id    employ
1       2
3       2
3       2
4       2
4       1

How can I do that?


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