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RE: st: RE: Automatically changing -ylabel()- values using -graph-

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: RE: Automatically changing -ylabel()- values using -graph-
Date   Wed, 8 Jun 2005 01:45:20 +0100 (BST)

Nick Cox replied:

> Your call is the wrong way round. You want (e.g.)
> the text "25" at 0.25. Stata's ignoring your label
> rules as irrelevant to the data you have. Start with
> mylabels 0(25)100, myscale(@/100) local(label100)
> Think "my graph labels that I want are 0(25)100, but
> my data scale is that of the labels divided by 100".
> I invented this beast, but I make the same mistake
> too some fraction of the time.

Thanks for this. I followed this to the letter before calling the same
-twoway line- command (see below), but I'm _still_ not achieving the
result I want. I don't why. Following Scott Merryman's suggestion to:

. twoway line beconch belabch beldmch quarter, xtitle("") ///
  ylabel(.1 "100" .075 "75" .05 "50" .025 "25" 0 "0" -.025 "-25" ///
  -.05 "-50" -.075 "-75" -.1 "100", angle(0)) xlabel(1 "Q1" ///
  2 "Q2" 3 "Q3" 4 "Q4") clpattern(longdash dash) scheme(s1mono)

produces exactly the graph I expect to see. I should also have mentioned
that my scale runs from -100 through zero to +100 (sorry about that), but
the same problem ensues anyway. If I run

. mylabels -100(25)100, myscale(@/100) local(label100)
-1 "-100" -.75 "-75" -.5 "-50" -.25 "-25" 0 "0" .25 "25" .5 "50" .75 "75"
1 "100"

. myticks -100(25)100, myscale(@/100) local(tick100)
-1 -.75 -.5 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1

and then

. twoway line beconch belabch beldmch quarter, xtitle("") ///
  ylabel(`label100', angle(0)) xlabel(1 "Q1" 2 "Q2" 3 "Q3" 4 "Q4") ///
  scheme(s1mono) ymtic(`ticks100')

I get a heavily squashed graph where all three trendlines deviate no more
than +/-10 percentage points around zero, whereas I should be seeing all
sorts of sexy stuff going on all over the graph. I'll take the liberty of
e-mailing the graphs privately to Nick, as it's not possible to
demonstrate here the visual difference between the graph I should be
getting (the 'right' graph) and the one I'm getting instead using
-mylabels- (the 'wrong' graph).

In the meantime, I shall be trying out the other suggestion, out of
courtesy to Nick Winter. Thanks once again.

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