Thanks to all who have helped out with my problem of having a large dataset
in which the primary predictor variable (a laboratory test) is censored at
zero. I think that I have come across a good solution, but have a couple of
Mfp (multivariable fractional polynomials) has a 'catzero' option which
seems to take zero out of the picture and replace it with a binary variable.
When I use it (with logit and the untransformed primary variable) on my
primary dataset, everything works exceedingly well, in terms of fit, and its
pick of the simple log-transformation of the primary predictor.
Two questions: (1) I had divided my dataset into derivation and validation
sets. Does anybody know of an efficient way to run the model on one set and
then get the correct coefficients (I*__0, I*__1) over to a different dataset
(without re-running the regression, of course)? This works with fracpoly and
fracpredict, but doesn't seem to with 'mfp'.
(2) I have a completely different dataset in which I would expect (due to a
different lab test with different performance characteristics) to have
slightly different coefficients. For that one, I need to force it to use
the log transformation with power(0), although the fit is fine (seems to be
better than what it chooses). Is there anything objectionable about doing
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