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RE: st: odds ratio vs. RRR in multinomial logistic regression

From   "David Harrison" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: odds ratio vs. RRR in multinomial logistic regression
Date   Fri, 3 Jun 2005 14:35:39 +0100

I think your interpretation of the odds ratio is wrong. It should be "the odds of outcome 1 given X is true are 2.4 times greater than the odds of outcome 1 given X is not true."

For the RRR it would be, for example, "the relative risk of outcome 3 associated with X is 0.85 times the relative risk of outcome 1 associated with X."


-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 03 June 2005 14:16
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: odds ratio vs. RRR in multinomial logistic regression 

Thanks - this is very helpful. One more question: 

With odds ratios in binary logistic regression, you
can easily interpret the exponentiated coefficient by
stating that "the odds of outcome 1 are 2.4 times
greater than the odds of outcome 2." 

When I expoentiate the coefficient in multinomial
logistic regression (or use the RRR that is provided),
I can obviously say "the RRR is .85". But is there
some more easily interpretable way that I can describe
what this number means, as one could do in binary
logistic regression? For instance, can I make a
statement about the probability of outcomes 3 as
compared to outcome 1? 

Thanks again. 

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