Attempting to use the oaxaca command (*not* decomp), I get an error
message which appears to be due to a problem with the command's use of
svymean. I note elsewhere on this list that use of "if" terms with
svymean can lead to errors, but I don't see what alternative I have with
the oaxaca command.
Relevant bits of the log follow:
. reg driver/*
> */ revenue profit haul ltl spec ltlspec union unltl unspec /*
> */ if regulate==0
Source | SS df MS Number of obs
= 770
-------------+------------------------------ F( 9, 760) =
. est store regulated
. reg driver/*
> */ revenue profit haul ltl spec ltlspec union unltl unspec /*
> */ if regulate==1
Source | SS df MS Number of obs
= 898
-------------+------------------------------ F( 9, 888) =
. est store deregulated
. oaxaca regulated deregulated
(note: using svymean to compute vce of means of regressors)
subpop() does not contain a valid varname