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st: corruption of Stata files

From   "Juan Solon" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: corruption of Stata files
Date   Thu, 02 Jun 2005 02:13:05 +0100

I have been using Stata 8.2 for OSX, recently updated and have
experienced two episodes when my Stata Dataset got corrupted.  I have
memory set at 10M, and dataset was relatively small.

On this occassion:
I had a date with dates in stored in the variable called adate in
%dD_m_Y  format
The do file below worked well, until at some point while I added the
textbox to the -gr bar- sequence, the error would be reproduced - one of
the dates in the variable adate is consistently changed to 01 jan 1960
and the do file would take extraordinarily long to execute forcing me to

Has anyone experienced anything similar?  What causes this?

Thanks . 
gen amon =month(adate)
la def amon 1 "Jan"
la def amon 2 "Feb", add
 . . . etc
la val amon amon
sort amon
by amon: gen montot=_N

gr bar (count) montot, over(amon) ytitle(Number of
Admissions,color(maroon)) ///
ti("Seasonal Pattern of Severe Malnutrition",color(maroon)) ///
bar(1,bcolor(maroon)) text(29 67 "RECRUITMENT------------->",
size(large) color(maroon))

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