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st: discrete-time survival analysis

From   Luciana Suran <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: discrete-time survival analysis
Date   Wed, 01 Jun 2005 13:26:32 -0400

Dear Statalist,

I am analyzing the marriage event using a two-wave survey (2001 & 
2003). The dependent variable =0 if the respondent is unmarried and 1 
otherwise. The purpose is to analyze whether a program implemented 
after the 2001 survey delayed marriage among the respondents. 

I was advised to use discrete-time survival analysis using logistic 
regression in STATA, with 2 observations per respondent. But I have 
two unanswered questions:

(1) I was told to include those who were already married in 2001. Does 
this make sense?
(2) Also, all the studies I have read using discrete-time survival 
analysis have more than 2 observations per respondent. Is it a problem 
that I only have 2?

I would be so appreciative if someone could help me out!!!!

Thank you very much,
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