Dear Statalist,
we want to estimate a three-level random intercept model (only random
coefficients for the constant on level 2 and level 3). Dependent variable
is a count, negative binomial is most appropriate model because of its
correction for overdispersion.
So far, we have a working command to estimate a poisson model within Stata:
gllamm emiprown verb ageleg amotiv mot_gel, i(id intno) family(poisson)
link(log) adapt
what would be the command for a negative binomial, or more important where
can we quote/look up the syntax for this specific problem. Specs: so far
only fixed effects on the lowest level are included, but we plan to add
some coeffs on lev2 and lev3. mot_gel is an interactin term (mot_gel=
ageleg * amotiv); id's are nested within intno's (no crossclassification).
Christian Hunkler
student research assistant
"Aspirations, Reference Groups and Educational Decisions"
Project Program "Rationality Concepts, Decision Making
and Economic Modeling" (SFB504)
University of Mannheim, Germany
Phone: +49(0)621-181-3433 (O)
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