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st: Bar color in complex bar graph

From   "Margo Schlanger" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Bar color in complex bar graph
Date   Thu, 26 May 2005 20:14:31 -0500

I feel kind of dumb for this one, but I've worked on it and come up only
with a very tedious workaround.  I'm hoping someone knows a better way
for next time . . . 

I'm running a fairly complicated bar chart:  

graph bar (asis) portion1-portion12 if year > 1983,  ylabel(0(.1).2,
grid) ascategory   by(dummy year, [other options])

the variables (portion1-portion12) name 12 variables, each of which is

So here's my question.  It defaults to blue, and I need it to be red. 
(In particular, bcolor(red*.5) blc(red*.8)).  But I can't figure out how
to get the color to work as syntax).  No matter where I put it, I get an
error message.  (I can do this by omitting the ascategory, and then
doing it bar by bar, but then I have to label the bar widths, too, and I
figure there's got to be a better way.)  

Any help is much appreciated.  


Margo Schlanger
Professor of Law
Washington University in St. Louis
One Brookings Drive
Campus Box 1120
St. Louis, MO  63130
(314) 935-8242
[email protected]
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