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Re: st: HELP on xtabond2

From   Luck Double <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: HELP on xtabond2
Date   Tue, 24 May 2005 16:35:36 -0500

Hello, Dahlia,

I'm also currently using xtabond2, and have similar questions as
yours. I think using only one variable (like cash flow) as gmm
instruments is O.K., and using instruments dated at t-2 (or t-3) only
is fine too because you don't want to include too many invalid
instruments in the estimation. Moreover I think firm level
heterogeneity is already accounted for once you classify firm as ID
variable in xtabond2.

However, I also don't know the robustness of results when I change the
specification of gmm instruments: sometimes I got big p-value (0.96)
for the Hansen J test and sometimes 0. The coefficients are sometimes
significant and sometimes not even the Hansen J tests do not reject
validity of instruments in both cases. I'm puzzled as to which results
to trust.

If anyone here knows xtabond2 better, please let us know. Thanks!


On 5/24/05, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would very much appreciate your help and comments on my questions on xtabond2
> I  am trying to estimate a dynamic panel data model using an unbalanced data set
> with  more  than  50,000 observations, over 6,000 firms in 37 countries over the
> 1991  ?  2002 period. Each firm has a minimum of four consecutive years of data.
> I  am  estimating the model using the One Step Robust GMM System estimator using
> the command xtabond2 in STATA 8.0.
> I  use  year,  industry  and  country  dummies to control for time, industry and
> country specific effects.
> I am using STATA Command as follows:
> xi:xtabond2 Investmentratio l.Investmentratio Isquared Salesratio CFratio i.year
> i.Industry, robust gmm(Investmentratio Salesratio CFratio, lag(2 3))
> where
> Investmentratio= ratio of Investment to capital= dependent variable
> l.Investmentratio = lagged dependent variable = (lagged Investment ratio)
> Isquared = square of lagged dependent variable
> CFratio = ratio of Cash Flow to capital
> Salesratio= ratio of sales to capital
> I am treating the lagged dependent variable, the cash flow ratio and the sales
> ratio as endogenous (by including all of them in the gmm style option).
> The problem I am facing is that the validity of the instruments is rejected by
> the Hansen J test of over- identifying restrictions.  The number of instruments
> is 88.
>      Chi2(31)=196.04         Prob>chi2=0.000
> None of the coefficients is statistically significant.
> I  tried  running the above equation for each country at a time. Surprisingly, I
> got  P-values  =  0  for the Hansen J test of over- identifying restrictions for
> five  developed  countries:  UK,  Italy,  Germany, France and Australia. I tried
> running  the  equation  for  the  whole  data  set,  while  excluding these five
> countries but still the validity of instruments got rejected with P-values=0.
> I would very much appreciate your help on the following questions:
> Question  (1):  Do I have to instrument for each endogenous variable (Investment
> ratio, Cash Flow ratio and Sales ratio) by including each one of them in the gmm
> list  of  instruments  as  I  already  have?,  or  can I use only one of them as
> instrument in the gmm style option ?.
> For  instance,  can I only use the cash Flow ratio as instrument with lags (2 3)
> as follows:
> Command: (here I am only accounting for time specific effects)
> xi:xtabond2 Investmentratio l.Investmentratio Isquared Salesratio CFratio i.year
> , robust gmm(CFratio, lag(2 3))
> I  tried  the  above  specification,  and  the  validity  of the instruments get
> accepted  (P value is 0.8).
> Hansen test of overid. restrictions: chi2(14) =    8.82     Prob > chi2 =  0.842
> Question  (2):  Is a P-value of 0.8 usual to get in a test for over- identifying
> restrictions ?.
> Question (3):  Can I use the instruments dated (t-2) only or the instruments
> dated (t-3) only ?.
> If yes, what would be the specified lags in that case ?.
> Question (4): How to control for firm specific effects ?. Are they automatically
> accounted for once I use firm/ country as panel identifier in STATA ?.
> I would very much appreciate your help and time,
> Thank you in advance,
> Best regards,
> Dahlia Anwar El- Hawary
> Consultant
> Financial Sector Operations and Policy Department
> World Bank
> Tel: 202 473 5238
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