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st: RE: Re: version 9 and meta-analysis

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: version 9 and meta-analysis
Date   Tue, 24 May 2005 15:17:03 +0100

I am aware of a project by someone, not the original
authors and not myself, to re-write -metan- 
for current Stata. At a minimum this will involve 
porting to Stata 8. I suspect that it would involve
porting to Stata 9. 

To say more might raise a small sandstorm of questions 
about when will it be released and how it would be 
revised, and so forth, and I should say no more, 
particularly as the project, when last I heard, 
was a strong intention in the mind of the person 

I will say that the Editors of the Stata Journal 
see it as part of their role to encourage this 
kind of venture. There are naturally lots of 
questions arising when user-written programs 
fall out-of-date, usually because the original 
authors become too busy or go over to the Dark Side
in some sense. 

The state of meta-analysis software in Stata is 
very interesting. I have heard it said that, despite
various problems and limitations with what now exists, 
Stata remains one of the best vehicles for meta-analysis. 
It is striking that this is entirely attributable 
to users, except insofar as the language provides the 
tools to make it possible, which is entirely attributable
to StataCorp. 

[email protected] 

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