Dear All,
I would like to know if there is any way to bootstrap over multiple
commands in Stata9. In particular i'm trying to bootstrap over matching
estimators using psmatch2. However, I have too many variables in my
propenstity score for psmatch2 to use directly and i need to weight the
propensity scores which cannot be done in psmatch2. Thus, to get my
bootstrap standard errors i need to bootstrap over a probit command, a
prediction of the propensity score, and then psmatch2. I'd greatly
appreciate any help you can give.
Scott Imberman
University of Maryland
Scott Andrew Imberman
Department of Economics
3105 Tydings Hall, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Voice: (301) 405-4534
Fax: (301) 405-3542
[email protected]
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