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st: Resources on Stata 9

From   "Mitchell, Michael" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Resources on Stata 9
Date   Fri, 13 May 2005 10:19:05 -0700


  The UCLA ATS Statistical Consulting Group is working hard to create web pages that illustrate the use of the new features of Stata 9. To help you find these pages, you can visit which links to the various pages that we have created (and will create). So far we have pages illustrating the use of xtmixed, the new syntax of the svy commands for survey analysis, movies illustrating how to access the features of the new Stata graphical user interface for windows, and more. 


  Among the pages you can find updated textbook examples for Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence by Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett (see ) illustrating how to use xtmixed to replicate the results from their chapters illustrating the multilevel model for modeling change over time.


  As always, we welcome all visitors to our Stat Computing Resources page at


Happy computing!


Michael Mitchell

UCLA ATS Statistical Consulting Group 


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