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RE: st: data loop question

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: data loop question
Date   Wed, 11 May 2005 20:52:53 +0100

Eric Wruck's warnings about ties and missings
are very important. 

If you use a string variable to keep track of which 
variable or variables hold the maximum, you can also 
note ties. 

egen max = max(x1-x10) 

gen which = ""

forval v = 1/10 { 
	replace which = which + " `v'" if x`v' == max  

replace which = ltrim(which) 
tab which

Also check out -rowranks- from SSC.

[email protected] 

Eric G. Wruck
> Ok, here's a way of doing it: I made up a little example & 
> wrote some code.  This looks like it'll work:
> . l
>      +--------------+
>      | x1   x2   x3 |
>      |--------------|
>   1. |  1    2    3 |
>   2. |  7    5    4 |
>   3. | 10   34   18 |
>   4. | 16   12   16 |
>      +--------------+
> . gen maxX = 0
> .
> . egen max = rowmax(x*)
> .
> . forvalues i = 1(1)3 {
>   2.   replace maxX = `i' if x`i' == max
>   3.   }
> (2 real changes made)
> (1 real change made)
> (2 real changes made)
> .  
> . l
>      +---------------------------+
>      | x1   x2   x3   maxX   max |
>      |---------------------------|
>   1. |  1    2    3      3     3 |
>   2. |  7    5    4      1     7 |
>   3. | 10   34   18      2    34 |
>   4. | 16   12   16      3    16 |
>      +---------------------------+
> .   
> .
> However, you need to watch out for at least two things: (1) 
> ties & (2) missing values.  The code I wrote takes the last 
> maximum tie as the variable of interest -- that is, in 
> observation 4, x3 is determined to hold the max even though 
> x1 holds the same value.  Missing values are effectively 
> treated as positive infinity, so you may have to control for 
> that separately -- this depends in part on what egen does 
> with missing values.


> >I have a series of variables, say x1-x10, and I would like 
> to determine
> >the numeric suffix associated with the variable that has the maximum
> >value for each case.  For example, maybe x9 has the max for 
> case 1 and
> >x7 has the max for case 2, then I would like to end up with 
> a variable,
> >say MaxX, that has a 9 and 7 for the first two cases respectively.  I
> >think a data loop is the way to go, but I've tried working 
> out a loop to
> >do this and it's not coming to me.

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