I've worked with a bunch of software, so I can't believe I can't figure
out -gllamm--. I found some examples on the web, but I still can't figure
out what I want. Part of the confusion seems to stem from the fact that
one can estimate the latent class models in several ways. Anyway, here's
what I have
I have a test that's administered four times. One passes or fails, so
-test- is dichotomous.
foreach x in 1 4 7 10 { /* generate dummies -- same as -xi- */
gen admin`x'=admin==`x'
eq admin`x' : admin`x'
# delimit ;
xi: gllamm test , i(person)
nrf(4) eqs(admin1 admin4 admin7 admin10) /* four RE corresponding to
four administrations */
weight(wt) /* I stacked my data up to improve the speed */
ip(f) nip(2) /* two latent classes */
link(logit) family(bin) trace nocons ;
I think (or hope) this is right, though I am having a problem with the
starting values. I can fix that, I think.
I'd like to do two other things, assuming I can get this `simple' model to
I want to
- examine whether a third class is present in the data
- add a predictor of class membership