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RE: st: RE: simulated maximum likelihood estimation

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: simulated maximum likelihood estimation
Date   Mon, 9 May 2005 21:18:25 +0100

As I understand it, you don't need 200
temporary variables to do what you 
want, as 2 will suffice. Thus your 
code, at a hasty hack, seems to boil down 
to this. I would still recommend building 
up the log likelihood as a sum of logs, not 
as a product to be logged later. I don't 
understand what you are trying to do, 
so can't help further. 

set trace off
set more off
cap program drop my_ll
program my_ll
     version 8.2
     args lnf xb
     tempname b sp0
     sca `b' = 5
     tempvar ed sp 
     gen double `sp' = 1
     gen double `ed' = 1 
     qui forval i = 1/100 {
         replace `ed' = -ln(uniform()) * `b'
         replace `sp'= `sp' * (invlogit(`xb' + `ed')) if $ML_y1 == 1
         replace `sp'= `sp' * (invlogit(-(`xb' + `ed'))) if $ML_y1 == 0
     qui replace `lnf' = ln(`sp')

[email protected] 

Jun Xu
> Sorry for that mistake. The following is a revised version. 
> Still encounter 
> difficulty calculating numerical derivatives. I don't think it's data 
> problem. I tried to look into mvprob_ll.ado by Dr. Cappellari and Dr. 
> Jenkins, and I am stuck there. No one is responsible for 
> solving my problem, 
> except myself; however, I do need some even slight hint to 
> get me through.
> ********************************
> set trace off
> set more off
> cap program drop my_ll
> program my_ll
>     version 8.2
>     args lnf xb
>     tempname b sp0
>     sca `b' = 5
>     forval i = 1/100 {
>         tempname ed`i' like`j' sp`i'
>         gen double `sp`i'' = 0
>     }
>     gen double `sp0' = 1
>     qui replace `lnf' = 0
>     forval i = 1/100 {
>         loc j = `i' - 1
>         qui gen double `ed`i'' = -ln(uniform())*`b'
>         qui replace `sp`i''= `sp`j''*(invlogit( 
> `xb'+`ed`i''))      if 
> $ML_y1 == 1
>         qui replace `sp`i''= 
> `sp`j''*(invlogit(-(`xb'+`ed`i'')))    if 
> $ML_y1 == 0
>     }
>     qui replace `lnf' = ln(`sp100')
> end
> use binlfp2.dta, clear
> ml model lf my_ll (lfp = k5 k618 age), technique(nr bhhh dfp bfgs)
> ml search
> ml maximize

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