shuffle 1/10, num
mat input shuffled = (`r(list)')
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Cox
> Sent: 05 May 2005 20:04
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: converting lists to matrix
> -makematrix- is a user-written program too.
> Both -makematrix- and -shuffle- are on SSC.
> -makematrix- does make matrices, but not using
> the kind of building blocks you provide. It is
> expecting a variable list in the place where
> you put 1/10. That is explicit in the syntax.
> You want something like
> mat shuffled = J(10,1,0)
> shuffle 1/10, num noisily
> forval i = 1/10 {
> mat shuffled[`i',1] = `: word `i' of `r(list)''
> }
> Nick
> Indranil Majumdar
> > I want to shuffle a list and save the result in a matrix. I
> tried the
> > following.
> >
> > . local var "1/10"
> >
> > . shuffle `var',num noisily
> > 2 10 4 5 9 7 3 1 6 8
> >
> > . makematrix,from(r(list)):shuffle `var',num
> > 1 invalid name
> > r(198);
> >
> > I use the user-written -shuffle- command but when I use it
> > with -makematrix-
> > it doesn't work.
> > I guess I am missing something very basic. Could somebody help ?
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