At 09:10 AM 5/4/2005 -0400, Nick Winter wrote:
Tha is, I can cut and paste the following from this email (Try it!):
forval i=1/3 {
di `i'
Well, I just did the exact same thing in Stata 8.2, so I suspect this has
been around a while and you just now noticed! I did have to use
shift-insert rather than right click-paste or ctrl-v, so maybe that has
changed, i.e. paste commands that are normally interchangeable are not so
in Stata 8.2, maybe they are in 9.
But not this:
sysuse auto, clear
graph twoway scatter mpg price //
title("My Title")
I wonder if StataCorp could change this, and if others would find that
I encounter the same problem in 8.2. You can edit before hitting enter,
i.e. get rid of the // and combine the lines. Also, I think you are
missing a comma.
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