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re: Re: st: [Stata 9] scatter axis bug

From   "Eric G. Wruck" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   re: Re: st: [Stata 9] scatter axis bug
Date   Wed, 4 May 2005 00:55:03 -0400

Oops, Dave, I goofed.  It wasn't until I read your comment about replacing the 1s with -1000 that I realized those -1 were data points.  I now get the same graph you describe.  I checked out plot & gr7 & also get the same as you.  Guess Stata hasn't been fully consistent over the years with respect to this.


>I neglected to say I am using StataSE 9 on a Mac with OS 10.4 too. I do not get the axes you describe using my example below:
>// a simple example of the problem:
>input y x
>-1 .
>20 50
>30 40
>40 30
>50 20
>. -1
>scatter y x
>// which for me gives the range of the scatter plot as 0-50 on both axes
>// the graph will look really weird if you replace the 1s with -1000.
>I note that both :
>plot y x // hah!
>gr7 y x, twoway
>give the axes labeled from 20 to 50 as I expect.
>version 8.0 or 8.2 does not change the behavior from version 9.0
>I'll send a note to Stata.
>>Hi Dave:
>>I went straight to your simple example below.  I'm using Stata 9 on a Mac (OS 10.4) & the range on both axes went from 20 to 50.  Isn't that what you wanted?  I don't know why it would make a difference but I'm using the s2color scheme.

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