This refers to programs published in 1997 in the
Stata Technical Bulletin. It seems likely on
a variety of grounds that -estout- would be better
for your problem.
[email protected]
Crystal Lopez
> I'm doing a whole series of panel data regressions,
> and I'm trying to use the modl and modltbl commands to
> generate a table summarising the results from various
> specifications.
> For example, after the running the regression,
> modl 1, all
> modltbl se 1
> The problem is that for some of my independent
> variables, it gives the coefficient and se as it
> should, but for others it just says "yes". The STATA
> help function says that the results table will show
> "yes" for the control variables, just to indicate that
> "yes" that control variable has been included. But the
> variables for which I'm getting this are just
> explanatory variables like any other, and for which I
> need the coefficients and se reported! I don't know
> why STATA is identifying certain explanatory variables
> as control variables and not giving the results for
> them. In the original output table it does give the
> coefficient and se etc. for all of my explanatory
> variables, its only when I use the tabl function
> that this happens.
> Apart from the problem of not being able to generate
> the table correctly, I'm also wondering whether there
> might be an econometric mistake that I'm making that
> is leading STATA to identify some variables as
> "controls"?
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