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st: tabl question (table of reg results)

From   Crystal Lopez <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: tabl question (table of reg results)
Date   Sun, 1 May 2005 15:42:43 -0700 (PDT)


I'm doing a whole series of panel data regressions,
and I'm trying to use the modl and modltbl commands to
generate a table summarising the results from various

For example, after the running the regression,
modl 1, all 
modltbl se 1

The problem is that for some of my independent 
variables, it gives the coefficient and se as it
should, but for others it just says "yes". The STATA
help function says that the results table will show
"yes" for the control variables, just to indicate that
"yes" that control variable has been included. But the
variables for which I'm getting this are just
explanatory variables like any other, and for which I
need the coefficients and se reported! I don't know
why STATA is identifying certain explanatory variables
as control variables and not giving the results for
them. In the original output table it does give the
coefficient and se etc. for all of my explanatory
variables, its only when I use the tabl function 
that this happens.

Apart from the problem of not being able to generate
the table correctly, I'm also wondering whether there
might be an econometric mistake that I'm making that
is leading STATA to identify some variables as

Thanks for any help/suggestions!


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