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Re: st: Is there a command that returns a Variable's Type?

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Is there a command that returns a Variable's Type?
Date   Sun, 1 May 2005 11:55:19 +0930


see  <<help extended_fcn>>  for the syntax of extended macros.

For example (and using a common construct to dispense with explictly naming the

. sysuse auto
. foreach var of varlist _all {
  2. display " `var' "  _col(20) "`: type `var''"
  3. }

 make              str18
 price             int
 mpg               int
 rep78             int
 headroom          float
 trunk             int
 weight            int
 length            int
 turn              int
 displacement      int
 gear_ratio        float
 foreign           byte

In case your font makes all those quotes hard to decipher:

"`: type `var''"


dq lsq : type lsq var rsq rsq dq

Perhaps closer to the program fragment you will need:

. foreach var of varlist  price headroom displacement gear_ratio foreign {
  2. if "`:type `var''" == "float" {
  3. di "`var' is floating point"
  4. }
  5. }
headroom is floating point
gear_ratio is floating point


Quoting Orion Whitaker <[email protected]>:

> I'd like to do different tests depending on a variables type (continuous
> vs discrete).
> While "codebook" displays "units" that would give me a clue (1 for
> discrete, 0.1 & 0.01... for continuous) I can't seem to find a command
> or function that would give me a variable's type.
> Something like:       uses(varname)  returning   1 or 0.1 or 0.01...
>                             or   type(varname)   returning  "byte"
> "int" "double"...
> I imagine doing something like:
> foreach v of varlist var1 var2 var3... {
>     if ( type(`v')==0 ) {
>     do some discrete tests
>     }
>         else {
>             if ( type(`v')==1 {
>             do some continuous tests
>             }
>          }
> }
> --
> Orion C. Whitaker
> Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
> Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
> [email protected]
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health
University of Adelaide
CRICOS Provider Number 00123M
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