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st: RE: generate a positive-valued random variable

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: generate a positive-valued random variable
Date   Sat, 30 Apr 2005 12:53:11 +0100

I understand an inverse gamma distribution to 
be defined by taking the reciprocals of 
a gamma distribution. It would normally have
either two or three parameters. 

For two parameters, the Hilbe-Linde-Zwirble 
program -rndgamma- offers one solution. Bobby 
Gutierrez's program -gengamma- is more general 
yet, covering both two and three parameter cases. 

Naturally I can't tell you whether this 
particular distribution, out of many defined
to be entirely positive, will do what you 

[email protected] 

Jun Xu
> I am still using Stata 8. I am trying to generate a 
> positive-valued random 
> variable, and I think I should turn to inverse gamma 
> distribution. I am not 
> sure if this is right (with its shape parameter equal to 6):
> gen positivevar = invgamma(6, uniform())
> I tried searching Stata listserv and FAQ and I might have 
> missed it. But I 
> suggest Stata could post some codes for creating commonly used random 
> variables in its online FAQ section. I think that will be 
> great for a lot of intermediate users.

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