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Re: st: RE: Follow up on matrix building question -- correct version

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Follow up on matrix building question -- correct version
Date   Fri, 29 Apr 2005 12:54:36 -0500

At 06:24 PM 4/29/2005 +0100, Nick Cox wrote:
Any ambitious Stata programming project
depends on careful study of much of the
User's Guide and the Programming manual.
Hamilton's excellent book does no more
than give a taste of what is involved.
I agree with Nick. Also, if you are using the -ml- command, I found Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata (available from Stata Press) to be extremely helpful. I don't know if its advice becomes outdated with Stata 9 or not.

I also find it extremely helpful to plagiarize from existing Stata programs, at least if you want to make the program usable by others. So much of programming consists of error checking or adding helpful options. I wanted to add -predict- support for my program so I adapted Stata's -mlogit_p- program for this purpose. (I do give attribution when I do things like that!) I assume Stata has no qualms with people doing such things with its programs (that is why there are so many user-written programs that end with a "2"), but if you wanted to copy heavily from another user-written program you probably want to ask permission first. The programs might have very different goals but yet share things in common when it comes to parsing syntax, error checking and providing options.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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