I'm trying to write a .do file that may scroll through my variables
performing simple tabstats and ttests on pairs of variables. The key
variables to test/tabstat are identified by a string (e..g "judged") and an
appended number (thus: e..g judged1, judged2, ...). A simple loop on an `i'
macro will allow me to specify judged`i' in the loop and have it scroll
through the various variables, but when I set a second macro (say `k')
making it equal to `i'+1 (so that I can always do ttestes on variables in
sequence (e.g. ttest time`i' = time`k' so that it's always "ttest time1 =
time2", "ttest time3 = time4", and so on)) even though it will loop through
the correct numbers (thus `k' is correctly being set to `i'+1), it will not
allow me to append it to the string (unlike `i'!).
Here is the loop I use:
*the loop only sets `i' to odd numbers (so that `k' can scroll through the
even ones)
forvalues i = 1 (2) 7 {
foreach k in `i'+1 {
table judged`i' judged`k'
tabstat time`i' time`k', stats(mean sd N)
ttest time`i' = time`k' if (judged`i' == 1 & judged`k' == 1)
tabstat rate`i' rate`k', stats(mean sd N)
ttest rate`i' = rate`k' if (judged`i' == 1 & judged`k' == 1)
Note, I''ve tried running the loop and the problem is that as it is supposed
to execute the commands with `k' it will say that the variable judged (only
with the `k' appended!) is ambiguous. Also, if I run the same exact loop,
just replacing the 5 commands with only: display `i' and display `k' it will
scroll correctly through the numbers.
Inpupt will be appreciated!
Test: Are you a true psychology researcher?
A couple of famous psychologists have twins. They call one Mike, and the
other... Control.
(if this joke makes you laugh then yes, you are)
"This Quantum Physics thing that time is the same thing as space I
just don't get it. So what if I walk up to someone and ask 'what time is
What does he answer? '....6 miles?'" [Woody Allen]