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st: RE: Creating a matrix from an excel sheet with data AND row and column names

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Creating a matrix from an excel sheet with data AND row and column names
Date   Thu, 28 Apr 2005 20:47:46 -0500

Here is one way:  using -levels- to obtain the names and -matname- to rename
the rows.

. insheet using "C:\Documents and Settings\Scott_2\Desktop\foo.txt"
(4 vars, 3 obs)

. mkmat var*, matrix(A)

. matrix list A

    var1  var2  var3
r1     1     1     2
r2     2     2     1
r3     0     0     2

. levels namesvar , local(names)
`"coffee"' `"cotton"' `"sugar"'

. matname A `names', rows(.) explicit

. matrix list A

        var1  var2  var3
coffee     1     1     2
cotton     2     2     1
 sugar     0     0     2

Hope this helps,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Kerem Yaman
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:58 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Creating a matrix from an excel sheet with data AND row and
> column names
> I want to use stata to dynamically read historical
> information from Excel on an expandable list of
> things and also a matrix that codifies some
> information on how these things are interrelated
> which I will later interpret in a do-file.
> So e.g., I would try to get stata to build a matrix
> for me by reading an excel sheet that has data in
> the format of:
> namesvar   var1 var2 var3
> cotton      1    1     2
> sugar       2    2     1
> coffee      0    0     2
> This data is not of a fixed size but I am happy to
> keep it always of the same form where namesvar lists
> the names of the variables (same for columns and
> rows) and the data is ordered in a meaningful way so
> if I add another var like "wheat" to the above then
> I add a column of 4 numbers and a row with "wheat"
> and also 4 numbers.
> I was going to read the sheet with:
> insheet using "TestNames.csv"
> and then do:
> mkmat var*, matrix(X)
> I can get the data (the numbers) into the matrix.
> My question is: How do I get the namesvar into a
> "list" so I can use it to rename the rows and
> columns? I have programming experience in other
> languages but cannot figure out how to do this in
> stata (beginner in stata programming)
> I tried this as follows in a do-file:
> local nlist = ""
> local tempstr = ""
> forval i = 1(1)3 {  *really 3 supposed to be _N but
> trying to keep it simple for debug
> list namesvar *debug
> disp namesvar[`i'] *debug
> local tempstr = namesvar[`i']
> local nlist = `nlist' + "`tempstr'"
> disp `nlist' *debug
> }
> But even though the names display correctly, they do
> not work in the "string list builder" line.
> One more issue I may have is that the number of
> variables can potentially be rather large like 100 or
> so. From what I can see there are limitations to the
> length of strings in Stata. So maybe even if I can
> solve the above problem I am still stuck with this
> problem??
> *
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