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RE: st: New version of -descsave- on SSC

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: New version of -descsave- on SSC
Date   Wed, 27 Apr 2005 09:43:37 -0500

At 02:57 PM 4/27/2005 +0100, Nick Cox wrote:
4. User maintains own website with separate
versions for older Statas. (Roger Newson,
perhaps others).
I am not clear what Richard is asking here.
There is no special process for updating
programs that mirrors -update-. Rather with
e.g. -ssc- you are supposed to think about
what you want overwritten. The worst possible
situation resembles 1, in which in principle
you might lose a valuable program by overwriting
it by a later version that you can't use. Even
this need not be insoluble, as public appeal
would normally identify a dusty copy lurking
somewhere on someone's machine.
To clarify my concern - the -spost- routines have this painstaking customization where they look for specific program names, and if they don't find that name they don't work. So, for example, they might work fine with -prog-, but if -prog- gets renamed to -prog8- they won't work. Roger's approach therefore sounds good to me. You just have to make sure that, in the process of updating, you don't change the returned values that the -spost- programs rely on. (But of course that is a potential issue with Stata's own updates, e.g. Stata might change something about -mlogit- that could zap -spost-'s ability to handle it.) Roger, thanks for the tip! Rich

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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