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st: Statalist and Stata 9

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Statalist and Stata 9
Date   Wed, 27 Apr 2005 15:06:33 +0100

The current release of Stata is Stata 9. 
The Statalist FAQ is currently being 
revised accordingly. 

Here is one consequence for Statalist members. 

If history is any guide, almost all the people
active in answering questions will be upgrading 
as a matter of course and very promptly. 

For a while, they will probably remember to 
explain, whenever version is an issue, 

	If you are using Stata 9, ... 

	If you are still using Stata 8, ... 

but again, if history is any guide, this 
transitional period will not last long. The
same people will forget, or find this tiresome, 
or (in more truculent New England cases) fail to 
see why they should bend over backwards for those yet
to upgrade. 

Hence those posting questions will, as always but 
even more so, save yourself difficulties by flagging 
your use of Stata 8 (or indeed any other outdated 
version). Of course, those answering questions may 
still delight in telling you what you are missing. 

So, it will do no harm if you say, for example,

I am using Stata 8. How do I do multinomial probit? 

[email protected] 

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