What you are looking for is the -axis- sub-option of the -over- option.
. sysuse bpwide, clear
(fictional blood-pressure data)
. graph box bp_before bp_after, medtype(line) over(sex, axis(lw(thick)))
Hope this helps,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of jonah hansen
> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:51 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: axis layout boxplots
> Dear Stata-listers,
> I'm using Stata 8 SE and have made several boxplots. Next, I would
> like to change the thickness of the lines of the graphs (for larger
> prints).
> I was able to change the thickness of the lines in the boxplot itself, as
> well
> as the line thickness of the y axis. Strangely enough, I can't seem to get
> the same result for the x-axis where the labels are placed.
> As an example, the command line for the variation in earnings between
> sectors is:
> graph box earnings, medtype(cline) medline(lcolor(black) lwidth(thick))
> over
> (sector, label(labsize(large))) horizontal ytitle(, size(large))
> scheme(sj) ylabel(0 .5
> 1, nogrid) yscale(range(0 1) lw(thick)) box(1,blw(thick))
> The two latter commands change the thickness of the y-axis and the box
> itself.
> For the x-axis I've tried (among others) adding xscale. I then get the
> error
> message
> "xscale(lw(thick)) not allowed, xaxis1 does not exist"
> And in the help files of "help graph_box" it says:
> "Ignore the x*() options; they are irrelevant in the case of box plots."
> Does anybody know if this means the line thickness of the xscale
> cannot be changed?
> Perhaps there is a simple solution, but I wasn't able to find it in the
> FAQ, the
> archives, nor the help files.
> Any advice is greatly appreciated,
> With kind regards
> Jonah Hansen
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