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st: Stata query

From   Juan Pablo Ortiz <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Stata query
Date   Tue, 26 Apr 2005 12:23:36 -0600

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Hi I am using stata to do a frontier anlaysis I wonder if you can healp
solve this simple question and if not refer me to someone else?

I have my dependent Variable fo example Life expetancy vs.Independent
variable  Public health expenditure , this data is by state for Mexico

So I do in Stata

Frontier Life_exp  Pubhealthexp

My question is how do I  specify  using this Stata command for a control
variable for example percentage of rural population? I assume that
states that have more rural population have less life expectancy.

What I want to run is a model where Life expectancy is explained by
Public health expenditure by state but states that have more rural
population should be treated less hard than those with lower rural

I used the following comand

frontier global pub_perc, uhet( lnpor_rural)

But it seems the effect I get is in the opposite direction I want. WHen
Life expectancy and public health expenditure is the same for 2 states,
the state that has a higher rural population is penalized more than the
one that has less rural population.

If I do a simple regression between Life expectancy and rural
population, the higher the rural population the lower the life expectancy.

Thanks for your help,

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