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st: update of egenmore

From   Ulrich Kohler <>
Subject   st: update of egenmore
Date   Tue, 26 Apr 2005 09:39:35 +0200

Thanks to Kit Baum, the -egenmore- package on SSC has been 
updated. This consists of more -egen- functions. 

The update of -egenmore- fixes a bug in the -xtile()- function of -egenmore-. 
The -xtile()- function categorizes a varible according to percentiles -- just 
like the official Stata-command -xtile-, but it is -byable-. The bug was that 
when requesting the command with weights, weights haven't been used at all.

In turn I have also implmented a -nquantiles()- option to the -xtile()- 
function. The update include a slightly changed version of egenmore.hlp which 
relfects this new option. 

To get a listing of function names, type 

. ssc desc egenmore 

To get more details, type 

. ssc type egenmore.hlp 

To install, use 

. ssc inst egenmore 


. ssc inst egenmore, replace

as appropriate. 

many regards


+49 (030) 25491-361

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