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Re: st: gen new variable from string variables

From   "Eric G. Wruck" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: gen new variable from string variables
Date   Mon, 25 Apr 2005 23:33:08 -0400

Hi Belinda:

If I understood your problem correctly, this seems to do the trick:

. gen e11 = 0

. foreach var of varlist icd10* {
  2.   replace e11 = 1 if substr(`var',1,3) == "E11"
  3. }
(5 real changes made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

. l

     | id   icd10_1   icd10_2   icd10_3   e11 |
  1. |  1     K61.3    Z86.43     F05.9     0 |
  2. |  2     B95.8     Z06.2    Z86.43     0 |
  3. |  3    E11.69     R40.2     E11.9     1 |
  4. |  4    Z86.43     Z95.8     E87.6     0 |
  5. |  5     K59.0     K59.0     Z93.1     0 |
  6. |  6    E11.65    E11.66     R63.4     1 |
  7. |  7    E11.22     E66.9    E11.23     1 |
  8. |  8     E11.9     E78.0    K63.50     1 |
  9. |  9     E78.0    E11.65     D50.9     1 |
 10. | 10    E11.65     K59.0     Z93.0     1 |

. drop if e11 == 0
(4 observations deleted)

. l

     | id   icd10_1   icd10_2   icd10_3   e11 |
  1. |  3    E11.69     R40.2     E11.9     1 |
  2. |  6    E11.65    E11.66     R63.4     1 |
  3. |  7    E11.22     E66.9    E11.23     1 |
  4. |  8     E11.9     E78.0    K63.50     1 |
  5. |  9     E78.0    E11.65     D50.9     1 |
  6. | 10    E11.65     K59.0     Z93.0     1 |


>Hi Everyone,
>I am wanting to create a variable that tells me whether the patient has an ICD10 starting with E11. I am not interested in the numbers after the dots, nor am I interested in any of the other ICD10 codes and I am wanting to drop patients who do not have E11 in one of the ICD10 columns. I have tried playing with foreach, but this side of things is new for me and I just keep getting messages telling me the syntax is incorrect. I would greatly appreciate any hints someone could give me, thank you in advance.
>     +----------------------------------+
>     | id   icd10_1   icd10_2   icd10_3 |
>     |----------------------------------|
>  1. |  1     K61.3    Z86.43     F05.9 |
>  2. |  2     B95.8     Z06.2    Z86.43 |
>  3. |  3    E11.69     R40.2     E11.9 |
>  4. |  4    Z86.43     Z95.8     E87.6 |
>  5. |  5     K59.0     K59.0     Z93.1 |
>     |----------------------------------|
>  6. |  6    E11.65    E11.66     R63.4 |
>  7. |  7    E11.22     E66.9    E11.23 |
>  8. |  8     E11.9     E78.0    K63.50 |
>  9. |  9     E78.0    E11.65     D50.9 |
> 10. | 10    E11.65     K59.0     Z93.0 |
>     +----------------------------------+



       Eric G. Wruck
       2535 Sherwood Road
       Columbus, OH  43209

       ph:      614.231.5034
       cell:    614.327.4182
       fax:     614.231.5039
       eFax:    614.573.6639
       eMail:   [email protected]

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