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Re: st: RE: Copy string variable as value label

From   Roger Newson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Copy string variable as value label
Date   Mon, 25 Apr 2005 16:51:39 +0100

-sencode- can indeed solve Friedrich's problem (using the -gsort()- option to encode in an arbitrary order). The current version of -sencode- (downloadable from SSC) uses file manipulation only in 2 places:

1. There is an initial -preserve- and a final -restore, not-, in case the user presses -Break- in the middle of executing -sencode-.

2. In order for -sencode- to work if the -label()- option is given as an existing label, -sencode- uses -label save- to save the existing label to a temporary file, and then uses -file- to read that temporary file and find the highest integer with an existing label, so that any additional string values encoded are allocated integers even higher. I couldn't find a better way, at least in Stata 7 or 8, to obtain the highest labelled integer for an existing label.


At 15:46 25/04/2005, Nick Cox wrote (in reply to Friedrich Huebler):

This problem, or at least a relative of
it, can be attacked, I think, using Roger Newson's -sencode-.

His solution includes a certain amount of file manipulation.
In my version of the problem when I looked
at it two years ago I didn't find any need
for that, but I haven't looked closely enough to work
out what aspects of the problem Roger solves that I
don't or indeed vice versa.

There doesn't seem to be a help file for my resulting program,
but the code is a bit more general than yours.

program seqencode, sortpreserve
*! NJC 1.0.0 1 May 2003
        version 8
        syntax varname(string) [if] [in], Generate(str) [ Label(str) Unique ]

        local limit = cond(c(flavor) == "Small", 1000, 65536)

        quietly {
                marksample touse, strok
                count if `touse'
                if r(N) == 0 error 2000

                // variable is new?
                confirm new variable `generate'

                // label is new?
                if "`label'" == "" local label "`generate'"
                capture label list `label'
                if _rc != 111 {
                        di as err "label `label' already defined"
                        exit 110

                if "`unique'" != "" {
                        // each value `touse' mapped to its own -label-
                        replace `touse' = -`touse'
                        sort `touse' `_sortindex'

                        // define labels
                        count if `touse'
                        if `r(N)' > `limit' error 134
                        forval i = 1 / `r(N)' {
                                label def `label' `i' ///
                                        `"`= `varlist'[`i']'"', modify

                        gen long `generate' = _n  if `touse'
                else {
                        // get first occurrences
                        tempvar first
                        bysort `touse' `varlist' (`_sortindex') : ///
                                gen byte `first' = -(_n == 1 & `touse')
                        sort `first' `_sortindex'

                        // define labels
                        count if `first'
                        if `r(N)' > `limit' error 134
                        forval i = 1 / `r(N)' {
                                label def `label' `i' ///
                                        `"`= `varlist'[`i']'"', modify

                        // copy values from first occurrences
                        gen long `generate' = _n  if `touse'
                        bysort `touse' `varlist' (`generate'): ///
                                replace `generate' = `generate'[1]

                compress `generate'

                // assign labels
                label val `generate' `label'
                label var `generate' `"`: variable label `varlist''"'

[email protected]

Friedrich Huebler

> When a string variable is converted to a numeric variable with
> -encode-, the numeric values follow the sort order of the string
> variable. I would like to -encode- a string variable based on the
> sort order of another variable. My original data is like this:
> var   mean
> a     1.5
> b     1.2
> b     1.2
> b     1.2
> c     1.8
> c     1.8
> I would like to create the variable "newvar" like this, using the
> sort order of the variable "mean":
> var   mean   newvar   (label for newvar)
> b     1.2    1        b
> b     1.2    1        b
> b     1.2    1        b
> a     1.5    2        a
> c     1.8    3        c
> c     1.8    3        c
> My solution is shown below. Creating "newvar" itself is simple but
> there must be a better way to assign the labels.
> sort mean
> egen newvar = group(mean)
> lab def newvar 1 "temp"
> levels(newvar), local(levels)
> foreach l of local levels {
>   gen temp = ""
>   replace temp = var if newvar==`l'
>   levels(temp), local(templabel)
>   lab def newvar `l' `templabel', modify
>   drop temp
> }
> lab val newvar newvar
> How can this code be improved? Thank you for your suggestions.

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Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
Division of Asthma, Allergy and Lung Biology
King's College London

5th Floor, Capital House
42 Weston Street
London SE1 3QD
United Kingdom

Tel: 020 7848 6648 International +44 20 7848 6648
Fax: 020 7848 6620 International +44 20 7848 6620
  or 020 7848 6605 International +44 20 7848 6605
Email: [email protected]

Opinions expressed are those of the author, not the institution.

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