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st: question on outreg: rows out of order

From   Raymond Guiteras <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: question on outreg: rows out of order
Date   Mon, 25 Apr 2005 11:23:07 -0400

Hi - I apologize if this has been answered before
but I am seeing some strange behavior in the way
outreg orders rows. 

I have read the section of the outreg help file that
deals with row order and I don't think that
explains what's happening, although perhaps it 
does in some subtle way I'm missing.

Anyway, here's what's happening:

I am running a series of regressions with the same
LHS variable (call it y) and looping through a few
different RHS variables (call them x1,...,x9), along
with a bunch of other RHS variables which stay constant
from model to model (call them z).
So each regression is of the form
regress y xi z
where i=1 in the first regression, i=2 in the second, etc.
I'm using outreg with a varlist of xi _only_ to report the 
coefficients, std errs, etc. on just x1, x2,..., x9 from 
the different specifications in a single table.

Everything works fine except that the
rows of the table are out of order. that is, the table
reports specification 1 in row 1, spec 2 in row 2, then
jumps to spec 9, spec 8,..., spec 3.

(This is kind of hard to explain in words but it should
be pretty clear what I mean from taking a look at one
of the tables:
Here's a snippet of the code I used to generate the table )

Everything's labeled correctly and so on, but it just looks
strange and confusing and would be a pain to correct by hand
(i.e. by rearranging the rows in excel).

I have read carefully the section of the outreg help file that
discusses row order but I don't think that explains what is
going on, because the varlist in my outreg command is
just a single variable.

If anyone has some advice on this please share.
If my explanation of the problem needs clarification please
tell me and I will try to do a better job.


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