When a string variable is converted to a numeric variable with
-encode-, the numeric values follow the sort order of the string
variable. I would like to -encode- a string variable based on the
sort order of another variable. My original data is like this:
var mean
a 1.5
b 1.2
b 1.2
b 1.2
c 1.8
c 1.8
I would like to create the variable "newvar" like this, using the
sort order of the variable "mean":
var mean newvar (label for newvar)
b 1.2 1 b
b 1.2 1 b
b 1.2 1 b
a 1.5 2 a
c 1.8 3 c
c 1.8 3 c
My solution is shown below. Creating "newvar" itself is simple but
there must be a better way to assign the labels.
sort mean
egen newvar = group(mean)
lab def newvar 1 "temp"
levels(newvar), local(levels)
foreach l of local levels {
gen temp = ""
replace temp = var if newvar==`l'
levels(temp), local(templabel)
lab def newvar `l' `templabel', modify
drop temp
lab val newvar newvar
How can this code be improved? Thank you for your suggestions.
Friedrich Huebler
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