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Re: st: RE: Multiple responses on plot level data

From   "Ronnie Babigumira" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: RE: Multiple responses on plot level data
Date   Thu, 21 Apr 2005 19:02:44 +0200

Thanks Nick, sorry for the lack of clarity, measure choice is my response (dependent is the term Im more farmiliar with) variable (s). I do have a set of predictor (independent) variables which I did not include in my email.

Yes I did consider logit models for individual responses. I also considered constructing a dependent variable indicating whether or not any one of the choices was made.

However, I have been thinking about the mlogit. So you say 8 possible choices, would that mean 1, 2, 3 for fert, man, fanyaju rspv and then 5/8 for the diffrent combinations of each. If so, doesnt isnt this a problem because the classes are not exactly independent in the sense that (say 5 if choices 2 and 3 were made on the plot)


Ronnie Babigumira
Dept. of Economics and Resource Management
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)
PO Box 5003,
N-1432 �s,
>>> [email protected] 04/21/05 4:30 PM >>>
I am not clear whether you regard
measure choice as a predictor or a response.
And in any case I can imagine
situations in which both views are reasonable.
Soil erosion loss could depend on
conservation measures, which choice of conservation
measures might depend on many things.

If it were the latter, I think it is up to you how you define
a composite response. Nor is it clear to me that
you need do that. If this were my problem
I would look at

(a) logit models for the individual responses


(b) a multinomial logit for the 8 possible choices of
and	fanyaju[???].

If conservation measures are predictors, you would
need to look not just at dummies but also at interactions.

[email protected]

Ronnie Babigumira

> Something has been slowly eating away at me and at this point I have
> decided to seek help from the list. I have plot level data on use of
> soil conservation measures and would like to construct a "single"
> dependent variable for each household for use in a multinomial logit.
> The data look something like this
> hhd_id	plnum	fert	man	fanyaju
> 1001	1	0	1	0
> 1001	2	0	1	1
> 1001	3	1	0	1
> 1002	1	0	0	0
> 1002	2	1	1	1
> 1003	1	1	0	0
> Where
> hhd_id: Household id
> plnum: Plot number (a household may have more than one plot)
> And fert, man and fanyaju are 3 possible soil conservation measures a
> household may undertake (it is possible that more than one measure can
> be applied to a plot)
> My question is how do I go about with constructing a single dependent
> variable for use in a multinomial logit in this case (and
> would this be
> correct). I have considered the simplest case where I
> construct a simple
> dummy for each plot indicating whether or not a household
> used at least
> one of the measures however, I feel that it would be more
> interesting if
> I could say something on the determinants for the use of the different
> measures

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