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st: Multiple responses on plot level data

From   "Ronnie Babigumira" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Multiple responses on plot level data
Date   Thu, 21 Apr 2005 15:41:34 +0200

Dear List (I hope the subject line reflects what I intend to present as
my problem),
Something has been slowly eating away at me and at this point I have
decided to seek help from the list. I have plot level data on use of
soil conservation measures and would like to construct a "single"
dependent variable for each household for use in a multinomial logit.
The data look something like this

hhd_id	plnum	fert	man	fanyaju
1001	1	0	1	0
1001	2	0	1	1
1001	3	1	0	1
1002	1	0	0	0
1002	2	1	1	1
1003	1	1	0	0

hhd_id: Household id
plnum: Plot number (a household may have more than one plot)
And fert, man and fanyaju are 3 possible soil conservation measures a
household may undertake (it is possible that more than one measure can
be applied to a plot)

My question is how do I go about with constructing a single dependent
variable for use in a multinomial logit in this case (and would this be
correct). I have considered the simplest case where I construct a simple
dummy for each plot indicating whether or not a household used at least
one of the measures however, I feel that it would be more interesting if
I could say something on the determinants for the use of the different

Many thanks

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