Yes, you have to install it.
This guide to the circles (rings?) of Stata was posted on 31 March.
-cdsimeq- belongs to ring 2.
0. the executable (proprietary C code)
"those who know do not say; those who say do
not know" (Tao Te Ching)
written by: StataCorp (Bill Gould and developers)
maintained by: StataCorp
upgraded by: money
updated by: -update-
StataCorp offer tech support: YES if you hold licence to
present or previous version
information on: -search-, -help-
1. official ado files, help files, other text files
scrutable (use your text editor, but do NOT change)
written by: StataCorp (may include material originally user-written)
maintained by: StataCorp
upgraded by: money
updated by: -update-
StataCorp offer tech support: as above
information on: -search-, -help-
2. user-written ado files, help files, other text files
that were published in the STB or SJ
scrutable (use your text editor, change at your peril)
written by: original authors
maintained by: authors (if alive and active); gurus (possibly)
upgraded by: love(*)
updated by: deliberate download from Stata website (start
with -search-)
StataCorp offer tech support: NO
information on: -search-, -help- (iff installed)
3. user-written ado files, help files, other text files
available from SSC
scrutable (use your text editor, change at your peril)
written by: original authors
maintained by: authors (if alive and active); gurus (possibly)
upgraded by: love(*)
updated by: deliberate download from SSC website using -ssc-
(or using browser if -ssc- impossible)
StataCorp offer tech support: NO
information on: -findit-, -help- (iff installed)
4. user-written ado files, help files, other text files
otherwise in public domain
scrutable (use your text editor, change at your peril)
written by: original authors
maintained by: authors (if alive and active); gurus (possibly)
upgraded by: love(*)
updated by: download from within Stata using -net-
(or use browser if that impossible)
StataCorp offer tech support: NO
information on: -findit-, -help- (iff installed)
5. your own programs
you decide!
(*) There are a few people who offer Stata consultancy.
Occasionally people have advertised that they sell copies
of their Stata programs.
* For searches and help try: