An oblique answer to this question is to suggest
putting them all on one plot with -qplot- from
the SJ. In the same space, comparisons should
be much easier.
Daniel Mueller
> I want to merge four quantile-plots into one, where I omit
> -xscale- in the upper two graphs, and -yscale- in the graphs
> on the right (see code below). I want to obtain four graphs
> of the same vertical and horizontal size and try to
> accomplish that with -ysize()-, -xsize()- -fyscale()-,
> fxscale()-. However, these options seem to be overridden and
> all four graphs are of slightly different size. How can I
> get four graphs of exactly the same size in -graph combine-?
> Thanks a lot in advance!
> Daniel
> --
> quantile pred1, xscale(off) ///
> ysize(4) xsize(4) fysize(110) fxsize(110) ///
> name(agquant, replace)
> quantile pred2, yscale(off) xscale(off) ///
> ysize(4) xsize(4) fysize(110) fxsize(110) ///
> name(clofoquant, replace)
> quantile pred3, ysize(4) xsize(4) ///
> fysize(110) fxsize(110) name(ofoquant, replace)
> quantile pred3, yscale(off) ///
> ysize(4) xsize(4) fysize(110) fxsize(110) ///
> name(maxquant, replace)
> graph combine agquant clofoquant ofoquant maxquant, ///
> xcommon ycommon
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