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RE: st: New -estadd_plus- package and update to -estout- on SSC

From   "Jann, Ben" <>
To   <>
Subject   RE: st: New -estadd_plus- package and update to -estout- on SSC
Date   Fri, 15 Apr 2005 22:10:09 +0200

Richard wrote:
> One thing that occurs to me is 
> that users 
> might want to write their publicly shared -ado- files with -estadd- 
> compatibility in mind, i.e. return results in a format that 
> would make it 
> easy to write an -estadd- routine for.  For example (and 
> definitely not the 
> best example!) I could probably rewrite my -pcorr2- routine 
> to return the 
> partial and semipartial correlation coefficients in r() in 
> addition to just 
> printing them out.

I think this is a very general point: Any statistical routine should 
return its results in r() or in e().

> I haven't looked carefully through your documentation, but it 
> if doesn't 
> exist already perhaps you could have some instructions on how 
> a program 
> needs to return results to make it easily compatible, e.g. 
> how do the rows 
> and columns need to be named?  I imagine -vif- would have 
> been easier to 
> add if it returned its results in a matrix rather than as a bunch of 
> scalars and macros.

It does not really matter how exactly a program returns its results
as long as it returns them at all. The vif command, for example, 
uses r()-scalars for the vif-values and r()-macros for the variable 
names. This is perfectly fine. However, a matrix would be okay, too.

In case of -pcorr2- I would prefer using matrices (row vectors, to be 
precise), since two statistics (partial correlations and semipartial 
correlations) are to be returned.


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