Naturally. I would use a local myself.
local file = pl[1]
[email protected]
N.B. Please send just plain text to Statalist.
Juan Solon
Dear Nick,
Thank you for your reply.
I now understand that pl[1] or varname[1] refers to the contents of the varname. I was able to successfully replace the redundant macros in the first half of the do file and save the file using the contents variable pl. . . .
infile using eli2.dct, clear
. .
gen pl=substr(plate,18,6) /* this is data from the first line : in this case "10u5uc"*/
. .
save `=pl[1]', replace
*this then saves the data as 10u5uc.dta
However, I need to read in another set of data, and it appears that the reference to pl[1] disappears
merge obsno using "`=pl[1]'"
pl not found
invalid file specification
Is there a way to save as a global macro and then delete it after I am done with it?
I'll try the easier part of this. Once your filename is in pl[1]
you can refer to that on the fly by `=pl[1]'
so your -merge- command would then be
merge obsno using `=pl[1]', keep(pl)
The command
replace pl ="10u5uc" if _merge==1
would more generally be
replace pl = pl[1] if _merge == 1
if I understand you correctly.
[email protected]
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